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2025-03-14 湖南省长沙市




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  • 2025年03月14日
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发布公司:PT. SANY INDONESIA MACHINERY联系人:发布时间:****-**-** 采购品类:Solid high speed steel cutting tools联系电话:截止时间:****-**-** SANY Group conducts e-procurement on Trinity Group SANY GroupSolid high speed steel cutting tools Inquiry Quotation Inquiry in the online bidding hall of GSP platform , and now openly invites qualified bidders to make online e-bidding. I. Project Content Item No.: XJ************ Item Name: SANY GroupSolid high speed steel cutting tools Inquiry Quotation Delivery place and time: ## Delivery place and time ### Subject matter: please click on the lower left corner of the material details to view. Second, The bidder qualification requirements: *, The bidding unit must confirm all the technical requirements of the materials to be bid before participating. *, The bidding unit shall not give others to borrow, sell or rely on the qualification, if such a situation, after checking and verifying, immediately cancel its bidding qualification, and into the blacklist. *、Bidders are required to provide the relevant qualification documents required by the purchaser in the project when accepting the qualification examination. *、Collusion and bid-rigging are strictly prohibited, if found, the bidding qualification will be canceled and included in our blacklist. *、Bidders are not allowed to give property to the procurement staff for any reason or in any way, and are not allowed to supply the purchaser with products outside the approved scope of business, and the purchaser will be held legally responsible for any serious consequences caused to the purchaser. III. The bidder must complete the supplier registration and obtain the bidding qualification in Sany Group Global Portal (http://gsp.sany.com.cn) before the bid opening, and the winning bid will be publicized in this web site. IV. Online bidding method: please refer to the "e-procurement platform operation manual" on the homepage of this website for specific steps. V. Registration Deadline: ****-**-** **:**:**, Bidding Deadline and Opening Time: ****-**-** **:**:** VI. Contact: , Contact: Contact person of superior: , Contact: Complaints Phone:****- ********/********. E-mail: ***********;*********** 报名网址:https://igsp.sany.com.cn/public/noticeDetialPagetitle=SANY GroupSolid high speed steel cutting tools Inquiry & Quotation询比价公告&id=*******&publishTime=****-**-** **:**:**&titleIcon=sourcNoticeDetial
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