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2020-03-24 09:00:17 博西家用电器(中国)有限公司 江苏省




  • 报名截止
  • 1家供应商已报名
  • 业主委托招标网代为征集供应商的项目。招标网会将经过审核的供应商提交给业主选择。
  • 报名免费咨询电话:400-633-1888
    BSH Tender for Home Delivery Nationwide 博西家电全国宅配运输项目招标 As a member of BSH Home Appliance Group we are in charge of developing and selling home appliances under our two main brands SIEMENS,BOSCH and luxury brand GAGGENAU in China. In 2019 BSH Home Appliances Group achieved an annual turnover of 13.2 billion Euros worldwide.
作为博西家电集团的成员,我们主要负责在中国开发和销售博世,西门子两大品牌以及 高端嘉格纳品牌的家用电器产品。2019年博西家电集团在全球的年营业额达到了 132亿欧元。 We are searching for suppliers with good reputation and experience in white goods home delivery operation. Suppliers should be interested in cooperation with at least 1 year contract. The transportation volume is about 100,000 units 2019 (mainly refrigerators and washing machines except air-conditioner).
我们在全国寻求宅配入户运输资源,希望能与拥有良好声誉及白色家电操作方面经验 的物流供应商合作,且供应商对至少一年的合同期感兴趣。2019年运量约100,000台 除空调以外的各类大、小白色家电产品(主要是冰箱和洗衣机等大家电)。
Project operation requirements
项目基本业务能力要求: 1. Have nationwide transport network and home delivery capability except Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan Province, which can cover counties,towns and most of villages.
具有覆盖全国除港澳台以外的运输服务网络和终端宅配入户能力(能延伸到县级以及 乡镇和绝大多数村);
2. Have mature TMS which can connect BSH system via interface so that the end user can track the status, location and ETA of the purchased appliances
具有成熟的运输管理跟踪系统,并能够和博西家电的系统进行对接。终端用户能够从 购物网站上查询货物的实时运输状态,所在位置,以及预计送达时间;
3. Have trained and high quality delivery team with uniform and goods manners. When serving BSH, the service level can match the high-end positioning of BSH
具有训练有素的配送服务人员队伍,着装,言谈举止规范,在给博西家电提供终端配 送服务时,服务水平匹配博西家电产品的高端定位;
4. Have unified service hotline and call centre, which can interface BSH and the end user to deal with and feedback any complaints
具有全国统一的客服热线以及客服队伍可以和博西家电及终端用户对接及时处理、反 馈终端用户的投诉;
5. Delivery efficiency can meet normal on-line business requirements
配送时间、效率符合当前主流的电商购物配送时效。 Qualification requirements
资质要求 1. Registered capital is not less than RMB10 million
2. More than one year white goods transport and delivery experience and have no negative credit record
3. Be able to issue VAT invoice of transport industry
4. Joint bids from two or more suppliers not be accepted in this tender
Remarks: bidder’s qualification will be examined and evaluated by BSH, bidders who qualified and passed evaluation can participate the tender
注:招标方将对投标单位资格进行审核和考察评审,符合条件和通过考察评审的投标 单位方可参与投标。 The tender plan to be launched in Apr of 2020 on the web based TiContract tool www.ticontract.com.
本次招标计划将于2020 年4月通过www.ticontract.com平台启动。
If you are interested in our tender, please send your application in PDF with following related qualification documents to mailbox logistics-tender@bshg.com :  Company introduction (EN+CN language)  Business scope and experience (EN+CN language) Candidates who has same project experience will be taken into priority consideration  Business license, Bank account open certificate, Road transport permission  Other documents. For example annual audit report, duty-paid proof .award certificate and case study ect  Mail subject: BSH Home Delivery Nationwide tender - candidate name
如果您有意向,请以pdf 格式提供相关经营资质文件发送至 logisticstender@bshg.com ,包括:  公司介绍(中、英文双语);  业务范围及白色家电物流经验(中、英文双语);有同类项目经验者优先考 虑;  营业执照、 开户行许可证;道路运输许可证;  其它可证明公司资历和实力的资料(例如年度审计报告、完税凭证、获奖证 书,同类项目案例等);  发送报名邮件的主题格式:博西家电全国宅配运输招标 —申请公司的名称 Please register immediately in www.ticontract.com if you were passed our evaluation, you do not need register again if you have already registered before.
如果贵司通过我们的考察评审,请立即在www.ticontract.com平台注册,若已经注册的 则无需再次注册。 Deadline for application: 15 days after published 申请截至时间:本广告发布后15天 BSH HOME APPLIANCES (CHINA) CO., LTD. 博西家用电器(中国)有限公司 Address: 20,21/F, No.129, Zhongshan Road, ZhongNan International Mansion, Gulou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu

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