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中标公告 bid-winning announcement **中远海运海洋工程有限公司就N****小艇加油装置采购进行了网上电子招标,**中远海运海洋工程有限公司在中远海运重工电子采购平台上已完成评标工作,现将中标结果公示如下: ##purchase department## has conducted online electronic bidding on ##project##. ##purchase department department##has completed the bid evaluation work on COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry e-procurement platform, and the results of the bid are now announced as follows: 项目标号:**B*-MP-****-****** Project NO. 项目标名:N****小艇加油装置采购 Project titile: 中标单位:Keylead Engineering Co., Limited ##No bid price## **中远海运海洋工程有限公司 ****年**月**日 release time 附件:
中标公告 bid-winning announcement **中远海运海洋工程有限公司就N****小艇加油装置采购进行了网上电子招标,**中远海运海洋工程有限公司在中远海运重工电子采购平台上已完成评标工作,现将中标结果公示如下: ##purchase department## has conducted online electronic bidding on ##project##. ##purchase department department##has completed the bid evaluation work on COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry e-procurement platform, and the results of the bid are now announced as follows: 项目标号:**B*-MP-****-****** Project NO. 项目标名:N****小艇加油装置采购 Project titile: 中标单位:Keylead Engineering Co., Limited ##No bid price## **中远海运海洋工程有限公司 ****年**月**日 release time 附件: